marți, iunie 05, 2007

I love my fab mug:)

azi de dimineata ...

au plecat de acasa...

si au ajuns aici...

they seem happy now:)

eu...seara, am ajuns aici...

i seemed happy...afterwards:)

first day at work:)

6 comentarii:

neca spunea...

i really try to read your blog, and somethings i get... maybe those are the ones in english! :p i hope you understand mine's! ***

ank ignat spunea...

what a nice surprise!:) thanks for the comment:)
did you see the posts about christmas? and fafe?:)
yeah, i do understand your posts:)
come on, romanian is not that difficult! and i have a post in portuguese as well:)

neca spunea...

oops i missed them before but i've seen'em now. I'll try to make senso of them and them i'll show it to my grandparents!

thanks a lot for the experience!

We'll meet again, i have no doubts!

ank ignat spunea...

i will translate it for u so u can show it to your grandparents:)
thank them and tell them i sent them my best regards:)
see you soon.. whenever that is:)

Anonim spunea...

Agenda Continente.... ce tare... :D
si eu mi-am adus una :D

ank ignat spunea...

Agenda Continente e cea mai tare!:) everybody wants it.. but few selected can have it;)